Technology for Communication and Problem Solving in the Classroom. Effects on Meaningful Learning


  • David Castro-Garcia Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Departamento de Psicología
  • Fredy Andrés Olarte Dussán Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Javier Corredor Universidad Nacional de Colombia



meaningful learning, technology, ICT, communication, problem solving.


Interest for increasing meaningful learning is a concern to various lines of research in the field of education. However, little is known about how this process can be facilitated by using technological resources. In this article, we want to explore how use of technology, which fosters communication and problem solving in the classroom, is related to meaningful learning. In the study participated five public schools of the Cundinamarca department and the analyses were conducted on 470 observations of senior high school student’s survey answers. The study was carried out under a school reform program that used a strategy of teaching - learning, in which ICT elements were integrated to develop technological skills. Two instruments were administered: a non-participant observation format to register the use of ICT resources and a student's perception survey evaluating meaningful learning. The univariate analysis of variance suggest that use of technology for communication and problem solving in the classroom is related to meaningful learning in terms of emotional and affective engagement with academic contents. The results also show relationships between students experience and their previous knowledge, as well as, development of their transfer skills to problem solving situations

Author Biographies

David Castro-Garcia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Departamento de Psicología

Investigador Asistente del Centro de Innovación Educativa Regional (CIER-centro)

Fredy Andrés Olarte Dussán, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Javier Corredor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia


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