Determination of Secondary Students’ Preferences Regarding Design Features Used in Digital Textbooks


  • Sakine Öngöz Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Fatih Faculty of Education, Karadeniz Technical University
  • Mehmet Zülküf Mollamehmetoğlu Çukurçayır Secondary School



Digital textbook, e-textbook, multimedia, design principles, secondary school


The aim of this study was to determine secondary school students’ choice of design features for digital textbooks. As a part of the research—which was conducted using a mixed technique—a literature review was carried out to source points to consider in the designing of digital textbooks and experts’ opinions were obtained. Based on the results, an 88-question survey was then developed to elicit the preferences of secondary school students with regard to design features for digital textbooks. Also, in this study, three digital textbooks with different design features—but with the same content—were developed to be used by the students. The students were then informed about digital textbook technology by researchers and the digital textbooks were made available to them. Finally, the survey was administered in four separate sessions, and the results were revealed by analysis of the data collected. The findings showed that students wanted digital books with a front, back and bookplate. They took the view that elements for transitions between pages were necessary along with the table of contents, index, glossary and search tools. Students also expressed a desire for images in digital textbooks, especially three-dimensional lifelike drawings, videos and animations.

Author Biographies

Sakine Öngöz, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Fatih Faculty of Education, Karadeniz Technical University

Assist. Prof. Dr.

Mehmet Zülküf Mollamehmetoğlu, Çukurçayır Secondary School

ICT Teacher


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