Ipads, Apps and Social Networks. Creating multimodal narratives in classrooms
Literacy, youth, social networks, digital narrative, new languages.Abstract
The general purpose of this paper is to provide an educational proposal that contributes to generate new forms of literacy through the construction of multimodal narratives. We adopt a qualitative approach (Lacasa, Martínez-Borda, and Mendez, 2013) adapted to audiovisual environments (Brennen, 2013) in combination with the practices of virtual ethnography (Pink, 2013; Delgado, 2015). On approach to data, we combine a narrative and analytical approach from two aspects, virtual, from the social network Facebook used in the classroom, and narrative and multimodal content created by students in this space using different languages.
The data analysis is organized around two themes which will guide the discussion. First, we look at the characteristics that define an environment of digital literacy in the classroom, with particular attention to dialogue and shared reflection emerged in a double stage, classroom and social network. And second, we explore the productions made by students, analyzing their content, structure and use of different languages (written, oral, multimedia) in creating narratives.
The results of this research show progress along the educational intervention, which we interpret paying particular attention to the role in the construction of the stories, the technological instrument (apps and social networks) and multimedia resources used (photos, audio or video).
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