Position of the family towards tablet use on learning of Primary Education students
Family, school context, family context, primary education, ICT, digital tablet.Abstract
Information and Communication Technologies influence is becoming more and more evident in all areas and its use has also increased in family and school context. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to analyze and to know family positioning and involvement, specifically of the parents, on the integration of the digital tablet in Primary Education students. The present investigation is part of the qualitative methodology, for it has approached a study of multiple cases, from the collection of parents narratives of students from four educational centers located at northwest of Spain. A content analysis was applied to obtained data. As main results and conclusions, it should be pointed out that fathers and mothers show that there are no difficulties in working with the tablet with their descendants, although they did not receive any specific training or consider it necessary. Their overall assessment is positive and they argue that tablet use increases their children motivation, but they do not find improvement in their school performance. It is noteworthy that they keep track of children, upon children request, on tablet use at home without stimulating them directly.
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