Learn, teach and share, participation in expanded educational communities: Madrid Pikler Seminar as a practice of continuing education between childhood professionals
Community of practice, connected learning, public digital space, legitimate peripheral participation, learning trajectories, digital media and learning, participatory cultureAbstract
This article analyzes an expanded learning experience, expanded in the sense that this experience is mediated by public digital space, in which a very active collective of educators that work with young children strive to improve their professional practice incorporating the pedagogical approaches of Emmi Pikler. Although, initially, the format of this seminar was based on discussion and analysis meetings, a few years back the author and researcher joined to suggest open and connected activities, promoting the use of standard tools of the social web that enable participants to create knowledge before, during and after the sessions; as well as disseminate, debate and recover it afterwards. The interpretation and analysis of this experience showcase the diversity and evolution of the trajectories of participation that take place within this community of practice, and the design of its functional elements and protocols intend to inspire an expanded approach in other learning scenarios.
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