Pedagogical scenarios enriched with audiovisual technologies and their impact on the promotion of the learning skills of inmate students in Portugal
Learning Skills, Audio-visual Technology, Inclusion, Education in PrisonsAbstract
Over the last decades and largely due to changes taking place in labour markets, there has been a pressing need to rethink pedagogical processes. Today, educational institutions face the challenge of not only having to create learning environments conducive to the acquisition of knowledge, but also scenarios suited to the development of learning skills. Our analysis will focus precisely on one of such scenarios and will determine its impact on the learning skills of twenty inmate students, based on the qualitative analysis of their perceptions and narratives and using the Pedagogical Model developed by Author (2017) for the design of e-learning activities focused on the “deconstruction” of moving images as a reference. The findings show that the design of the environment, based on this model and on the use of audiovisual technologies, can have very positive effects on inmate students’ self-learning in the following dimensions: Active Learning, Initiative and Autonomy.
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