How to assess A meaningful technology-integrated tool for the reflective educators
reflective educator, personal DST, Self-assessment, rubricAbstract
In this paper we intend to present a tool for self-assess, support and improve reflective thinking in the educators towards the use of digital storytelling. First, we present an overview on the theoretical framework for conceptualizing a reflective educator, who needs to have a conscious approach on the practice and inquiries on the ethical consideration and important outcomes of eductional practice, with self-reflection, deep analysis of personal beliefs, and expectations on men and women and potential in general, and on learning. Educators’ expectations are self-generating, and often hard to be changed. Moreover, educators stay trapped in unexamined rulings, judgements, interpretations, conventions, potentials and hopes. Second, we describe the process of constructing a DST for approaching to the reflective practice infusing personal beliefs and values into a professional identity. Third, we describe the process of constructing the rubric, its elements, indicators and levels to value the product every storyteller made. We conclude with the self-assessment tool we want to propose in our on-going research project.
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