Knowledge and behavior of Spanish parents in Social Networks in relation to children. Design and application of a questionnaire
social networking, privacy, minors, sharenting, parents, questionnaire, legislationAbstract
Social Networks has a great international repercussion as platforms for communication and information exchange that affects all people and institutions, among which is the family. The youngest members of the family systems are the most active subjects in these networks and, in turn, those who can assume more risks. However, on many occasions, it is the parents who over-expose minors on social networks, even without their consent, putting their privacy and right to intimacy at risk. A descriptive and correlational quantitative research is presented. In this sense, the validation process of an unpublished questionnaire aimed at collecting information on the knowledge and behavior of parents on YouTube and Instagram in relation to minors is collected, and the first results of the pilot application of the tool are also analyzed. The designed questionnaire presents good validity and reliability. The main results indicate that the parents surveyed do not publish content about their children on social networks very often and, when they do, they try to avoid presenting identifying information. In addition, adults have a high level of knowledge about current legal regulations. The need to continue researching and undertaking training actions aimed at families on the importance and need to protect minors on networks is confirmed.
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