Kahoot! As an innovative educational gamification proposal in Higher Education


  • Verónica Martínez López Universidad de Oviedo
  • María Ángel Campo Mon Universidad de Oviedo
  • Eva Fueyo Gutiérrez Universidad de Oviedo
  • Alejandra Dobarro González Universidad de Oviedo




Higher education; academic performance; gamification; educational innovation.


In recent years, gamification has been introduced in the classroom, understood as the use of techniques, elements, and dynamics typical of games in non-gaming environments. In this research, a specific educational took has been used, Kahoot!, a free platform that integrates the game into classroom activities and requires the use of mobile devices. The sample consists of 814 Higher Education students from different degrees, courses, and subjects in the branch of Social Sciences. Each group was divided into an experimental group (EG), that played the kahoot, and a control group (CG) that was taking the same subject but didn’t play the kahoot. The main was to improve students’ performance with the use of kahoot. The specific objectives proposed were to encourage class attendance, to reinforce the acquisition and review of the contents, and to learn the opinion of the students about the tool. The ANOVA confirms that the students who played the kahoot obtained better grades than those who had not. However, the use of kahoot is not a predictor of academic success by itself. Other variables such as class attendance might influence it.


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