Mixed gamification with video games and educational platforms: a study on mathematical cognitive demand
Educational Platforms, Gamification in Class, Gamified Teaching, Use of Technologies, Use of VideogamesAbstract
The inclusion of gamification based on the use of technological resources is increasingly urgent in learning sessions. In particular, given the eventual distance education, various areas of knowledge must be promoted, and one of them is complex mathematics. The research presents the determination of the effects of mixed gamification on mathematical cognitive demand. Educational platforms and video game competition were used for six months in a sample of 300 third and fourth grade primary school students (M = 9.1; SD = 0.7), organized into experimental and control groups. The results indicate an increase in scores that indicate improvements in the non-connective demand approach (moderate level of performance), and in the connective demand approach (high performance level). The conclusions allow asserting that the combinatorial effects of the use of technological resources to gamify are positive in the performance in the mathematical cognitive demand. The limitations require replicating the study with the distribution of gamified classes for a longer time, and permuted use of the games used in the experiment.
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