Digital resources in Early Childhood Education. What are they like and what do teachers and families think?
Early Childhood Education, ICT, Digital Educational Resources, digital childhoodAbstract
This article presents a brief summary of the main results of our research on digital educational in the Early Childhood Education stage. These results focus, on the one hand, on the analysis of the technical and pedagogical characteristics of digital educational resources aimed at pupils in the second cycle of Pre-school Education (3-6 years). On the other hand, we will deal with the views and opinions of teachers and families in relation to the uses and practices developed with these digital resources both in the school context and at home obtained through the survey method. The project was developed by research groups from different Spanish universities (La Laguna, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Valencia) in the 2019-2022 period. The results indicate that the pedagogical model of these portals and platforms of digital resources for early childhood education is very variable depending on the available resource and that, in general, both teachers and families are favourably disposed towards the use of these technologies in the education of children of this age.
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