Effect of Web 2.0 Gamification Tools on Listening Comprehension Skills in a Second Foreign Language German Course
Gamification, Web 2.0, Action Research, German Teaching, Listening Comprehension SkillsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate how gamification using Web 2.0 tools affects secondary school students’ listening comprehension skills on a German second language course. The sub-purposes are to investigate the study’s outputs, such as course interest and academic motivation. The design of the study was action research, which is one of the recognized methods of qualitative research. The participants of the study were 34 ninth-grade high school students (15 males, 19 females) aged 14 or 15 years old enrolled to a state-project school. Focus group interviews, both student and teachers’ reflective journals, and an academic achievement test were utilized to assess the participant students’ listening comprehension skills, and formed the data collection tools used to obtain detailed information about the research process. According to the findings of the study, the use of Web 2.0 tools enabled by way of the gamification method helped capture the students’ attention and strengthen the steps taken to improve their language learning skills. Although the students’ learning styles varied, one point of commonality was their use of gamification.
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