Transmedia narratives in the teaching and learning of mathematics: challenges in the practice of the teacher as an orchestrator
Contextualized mathematics, learning, transmedia narratives, teacher as an orchestratorAbstract
The use of digital technologies as a support to the learning process may contribute to a more dynamic and participatory way of developing knowledge. Transmedia narratives assume characteristics congruent with this by facilitating the incorporation of educational methodologies that foster learning skills in interaction with digital devices during the exploration of a narrative. Simultaneously, in the case of mathematics, many students interpret the subject without connecting it to their social context and, therefore, do not understand its applicability and usefulness in the real world. This article presents a literature review related to these concepts and their interplay in mathematics learning. It also tries to explore how these approaches may affect teachers’ practices as orchestrators and facilitators of learning, as well as to how they impact the difficulties imposed by the incorporation of digital technology in educational contexts. Finally, we discuss the impact of transmedia narratives in the attempt to motivate students and draw them closer to the subject of mathematics.
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