ICT in the development of phonological awareness: A critical literature review





Phonological awareness; Information and Communication Technologies; Preschool Education; Research methodologies.


The phonics dimension is essential for early literacy development and is a fundamental aspect of cognitive expansion. For this reason, phonological awareness has become a topic of great importance in education due to its significant impact on the development of reading and writing, basic learning skills. This study offers a theoretical review of a corpus of recent studies that reveal the contribution of technological resources to the development of phonological awareness in pre-school, with the intention of pointing out trends and research possibilities in this field. From a sample of 137 articles published in the last 15 years, and after a critical and systemic analysis carried out in different phases, 22 articles have been selected whose content focuses on pre-school and first year primary school children, in which ICT has been applied. The holistic analysis demonstrates the positive effect of these technologies on the development of phonological awareness. It is concluded that there is a direct relationship between phonological awareness and literacy in pre-school education, as well as the need for more rigorous research to obtain more precise results.

Author Biographies

Mónica Montes-Betancourt, Universidad de la Sabana



 Janeth Falla-Ortiz, Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo




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