Not all AI tools are created equal. Analysis of smart applications for university teaching




AI in educacion, educational apps, Educational technology, higher education


Currently, in addition to generative and conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications or tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Perplexity, Copilot, Groq, and others, there exists a vast array of specific-purpose tools or apps for particular functionalities. These tools are continually evolving and are accessible through various repositories or web portals. In this article, we conducted a study of these apps with the objectives of: a) identifying and characterizing the AI tools specifically designed for the field of Higher Education, considering their functionality and didactic usability; and b) classifying the potential use of AI tools based on the phases of the teaching-learning process (pre-active, interactive, post-active) and the educational agents involved (teachers and students). For this purpose, 118 AI tools or apps created for educational purposes were selected from two of the most extensive international repositories or platforms (such as FUTUREPEDIA and THERE'S AN AI FOR THAT). A self-developed analysis instrument was used for their review. It is concluded that only a third of these tools are free, which presents an issue of inequality in access to them. Moreover, more than half have a dual function: to support both teaching (for teachers) and learning (for students).

Author Biographies

Manuel Area-Moreira, Universidad de La Laguna

Doctor in Education and Director of the Education and New Technologies Laboratory, EDULLAB, of the University of La Laguna

Annachiara Del Prete, Universidad de La Laguna

Doctor in Education and Researcher at the Education and New Technologies Laboratory of the University of La Laguna

Ana Luisa Sanabria-Mesa, Universidad de La Laguna

Doctor in Education and Researcher at the Education and New Technologies Laboratory EDULLAB of the University of La Laguna

María Belén Sannicolás-Santos, Universidad de La Laguna

Doctor in Education and Researcher at the Education and New Technologies Laboratory, EDULLAB, of the University of La Laguna


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