Use of tablets in higher education: an experience with iPads
DOI: clau:
M-learning, tablet, educational technology, UTAUT, higher educationResum
In the context of the growing trend of m-learning, this research aimed to analyze the disposition toward the use of tablets, describe the potential of these devices for conducting academic and personal activities, and identify the conditions required for the incorporation of this tool in the classroom in a Peruvian university context. Apple iPad 2 devices were given on loan to a group of 18 students and 3 teachers from Education and Psychology of a private university in Lima for use during the 2012-2 academic semester. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) questionnaire was used, whose assumptions were partly accomplished. I was found a strong positive correlation between usage intention and performance expectancy, attitude toward using technology, and social influence. In addition, once the experience finished, it was found an increase in the score of effort expectancy, self-efficacy and usage intention. From the information gathered through classroom observations and focus groups, it was found that participants were satisfied and had positive opinions about the experience, where the tool and its applications were used in multiple ways in academic and non-academic activities. Also it was shown the importance of planning the integration of the tool according to the curriculum content, so that participants could use the device significantly and strategically. However, being a first approach, some limitations in the use of iPad and some difficulties along the project were identified.
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