Perception of trainers and students on the measures to be taken to solve the addiction of young people to social networks
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Social networks, Internet, addition, educationResum
Addictions to online social networks is a problem facing technological societies, and those most affected by this phenomenon are young people and teenagers. Among its effects are the decrease in academic performance and the increase in violent behavior. Given these facts, governments around the world are adopting mechanisms for their prevention. The present work describes the results of research focused on investigating the proposals that would be adopted by the members of the educational community to carry out preventive actions against the addiction and abuse of online social networks. The methodological design has been based on the intensive use of the Nominal Groups technique developed by Delbecq and Andrew in 1971 and which facilitates reaching consensus in a structured group process. The results show the high degree of coincidence among the participants stands out, which validates the usefulness of the measures, and that the addiction to social networks perceives it as a direct consequence of the addition to mobile phones and the Internet. Therefore, it seems necessary that prevention plans should have a generalized perspective that encompasses all three technologiesReferències
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