Female Higher Education Teachers Use Digital Technologies More and Better than They Think




Paraules clau:

higher education, education policy, teachers, digital technology, intersectionality


The unequal status of female teachers in higher education is a reality. However, are digital technologies another reason for their exclusion? The main aim of this study was to analyze the integration of digital technologies in teaching from a gender perspective. The research was a multiple case study applying the quantitative method. The sample comprised 527 teachers from four Spanish universities. The instrument utilized was a self-administered survey. The results confirm both types of segregation and the fact that female teachers see themselves as less digitally competent than their male counterparts; ironically, the findings also show that the former use information and communication technologies in teaching more than the latter. In conclusion, we highlight the need to study more deeply the intersection between digital breach and gender in higher education, and to take measures during the early stages of education to overcome female teachers’ tendency of underestimating their digital competence.


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