Comparison of Turkish and US Pre-Service Teachers' Web 2.0 Tools Usage Characteristics
DOI: clave:
Teacher Education, Web 2.0, Pre-serviceResumen
As the Internet and computer develop, the world is changing dramatically and fantastically. Usage of technological tools is increased day by day in daily life besides ICT. All the technological tools shape individual behavior, life style and learning style as well as individual lives. Today's child use different tools and different way to socialize. Most of the educational institutions support their education with Web and Web 2.0 applications. Pre-service teachers are the people who use technology in their learning experience and the people who use technology in their teaching experience. In this research Web 2.0 habits of pre-service teachers from Turkey and US was studied. And results show that Turkish participants use more frequently Web 2.0 tools than US participants. Especially Turkish male participants who have blog account and who have microblog account use more frequently Web 2.0 tools in learning and entertainment activities.
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