Who cares about the digital culture at school?
https://doi.org/10.1344/der.2021.39.%25pPalabras clave:
ICT, curriculum, digital culture, transdisciplinary learning area, basic educationResumen
The article assumes that the expansion of cultural content in basic education implies a qualitative change in the entire curriculum system. It rescues the idea of social micro spaces of common curriculum selection and reconfiguration and underlines the role of decision-makers in different groups. Namely, experts and specialists who, within the scope of the Learning Outcomes Project launched by the Portuguese Ministry of Education, supported the legitimation of ICT as a transdisciplinary learning area, consenting to shared responsibility in promoting digital culture. Based on the study carried out, involving 11 interviews, the article reveals the reasons that justify the detachment from a social practice that, paradoxically, was desired to be more articulated, integrated, and open to digital culture.
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