Print ISSN: 1132-6751
Online ISSN: 1697-4506
Online ISSN: 1697-4506
About the Journal
Duoda.Studies of sexual difference is the biannual publication of the Duoda center. University of Barcelona Women's Research. It was founded in 1991 and until no. 30 of 2006 is titled Duoda. Journal of Feminist Studies.
DUODA is a scientific, university, bilingual (Catalan and Spanish) journal of feminist thought and of a transdisciplinary nature. It publishes texts on history, philosophy, art, history of art, law, literature, mysticism, psychology, pedagogy, politics, economics, etc.
It is one of the few European university journals that disseminates the key contributions of the authors of the thought of sexual difference in the Euro-American sphere.
Current Issue
No. 67 (2024): La risa clitórica