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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La tramesa no s'ha publicat anteriorment ni s'ha presentat abans a cap altra revista (o s'ha enviat una explicació a «Comentaris per a l'editor/a»).
  • El text va acompanyat d’una plana que contingui el títol del treball, el nom de l’autor o autors, l’adreça completa, inclosa la del centre de treball, el telèfon i l’adreça electrònica.
  • El text inclou un resum en llengua original de l’escrit i en anglès que inclogui el títol i reflecteixi, en cent paraules com a màxim, el contingut i resultats del treball.

    El text inclou les paraules clau en les dues llèngues.

  • El text s'ha escrit a una cara i a doble esplai.

    Les notes a peu de pàgina s'han enumerat correlativament i estan incloses al final del text.

    Pel que fa a totes les il·lustracions, figures i taules, s'han colocat al lloc corresponent del text i no al final, s'han enumerat, porten un títol breu i s'ha indicat llur font.

  • El text compleix els requisits estilístics i bibliogràfics descrits a les instruccions de l'autor/a a Indicacions de l’autor/a, que es troben a «Sobre la revista».

Author Guidelines

The text must be accompanied by a page containing the title of the work, the name of the author(s), the full address, including that of their place of work, the author's institutional affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address and ORCID researcher number. It will also be notified if the research has benefited from any support or if the work has been presented at seminars, congresses, etc. It must also be accompanied by an abstract written in the original language of the text, in Catalan, Spanish and English, which includes the title and reflects, in a maximum of 100 words, the content and results of the work. Key words must also be included in the three languages.

The text will be accompanied by a declaration of originality of the article by the author.

The language of the journal is Catalan. However, original articles will be published in the language in which they have been written (any language of the Spanish State, Spanish, French and English). If the Editorial Board agrees to their translation, the author's opinion will be taken into consideration.

The maximum length of the article will be 35 pages (12,000 words) including graphs, tables, maps, bibliography and appendices, although the Editorial Board may consider publishing longer articles due to their relevance.

A clean version of the article will be sent with references to the authors in notes, bibliography, acknowledgements or participation in research projects to facilitate the work of the reviewers.

The bibliographic citation system will be APA, 7th in order to homogenise the bibliographies. Whole bibliographical references or abbreviations in footnotes will not be accepted. The characteristics can be found at

(Llonch, 1998, pp. 39-41)

(Colomé, Ferrer & Valls, 2016)

The bibliographical references cited in the text will be listed at the end of the article and will follow the APA format indicated above. The DOI of the article or work cited should be included if known.

Examples of bibliographical citations (APA 7 system)


Llonch, M. (1998). La capacitat exportadora de la indústria catalana del gènere de punt (1876-1935), Recerques , 37,165-194.



Serra Puig, E. (1988). Pagesos i senyors a la Catalunya del segle XVII.  Crítica.



Tello, E. (1987). “Pagesos, menestrals i rendistes. Cervera i la Segarra en l’arrencada industrial catalana (1702-1861)” (Tesi doctoral, Universitat de Barcelona)


(Book chapters)

Colomé Ferrer, J. (2015). “Expansió vitícola, consolidació de la propietat capitalista de la terra i conflictivitat social a la Cataluña prelitoral durant el segle XIX: la comarca del Penedès”. Dins J. Colomé Ferrer i altres (ed.), Vinyes, vins i cooperativisme vitivinícola a Catalunya. Barcelona. Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, p. 245-279.

Proofs will only be sent once and must be returned within ten days. After that it will no longer be possible to make any changes.

Authors will receive the PDF of the article for dissemination as they see fit and a paper copy of the journal. Further copies can be purchased at a reduced price.

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Additional Information

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