De jovades i quarterades. Measurements and equivalences from the rereading of the Book of the Distribution of the royal portion of Mallorca (13th century)


  • Plàcid Pérez Pastor



medieval history, feudalisme, Majorca, conquest of Majorca, parcelling out, metrology


This paper is about metrology. Recent papers about medieval catalonian history, have showed that there are certain questions about the meaning of the units of measurement used for the feudals, to make the division of the conquered lands, as a result of the conquest of Mallorca (as part of the spoils), in 1229. This paper provides new data on this issue. Based on contemporary documents, the author attempts to achieve two objectives: first, find out which is the equivalence between the quantities that were applied –jovada and quarterada-, and the current hectare, on the other hand, this paper aims to explain the origin of the valencian jovada and the equivalence with the mallorcan jovada.

Author Biography

Plàcid Pérez Pastor

Llicenciat en Història per la UIB.


