Phonetic and phonological transcription of intonation: a proposal of authomatic labeling
intonation, transcription, annotation, labeling, autosegmental-metrical model, ToBIAbstract
This paper has two main objectives. The first is to propose a system of phonetic transcription of intonation that is understandable and that can be easily related with a widely used phonological transcription system. The second is to present a set of tools that provides this transcription of intonation in the context of a specific project (AMPER). The first part of the article contains some reflections on transcription systems in general. The second part focuses on the features (and issues) of the phonological and phonetic transcription of segments, a tradition that has been in use for over two centuries. In the following section, we compare the phonological and phonetic transcription of segments with the transcription of intonation, far less common and therefore less evolved despite the attention that it has received in recent years. In the fourth part of the article, we describe some tools that can provide the automatic transcription of the prosodic features of an utterance based on its acoustic features.
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