Percepción y adquisición de la entonación española en enunciados de habla espontánea: el caso de los estudiantes taiwaneses


  • Maximiano Cortés Moreno


The aim of this experiment is to study the specific difficulties that Chinese students of Spanish encounter in the perception of Spanish intonation.

Out of a series of dialogues of spontaneous speech, we select 10 declarative utterances, 10 exclamatory utterances, and 10 interrogative utterances, corresponding to 19 native speakers of Spanish. Our subjects are 120 native speakers of Chinese learning Spanish at Providence University in Taiwan, 30 students per level (school year).

The results would seem to suggest that the type of formal instruction the subjects receive does not have any significant effect on their intonation competence in the perception of spontaneous speech.

On all four levels, the main difficulty lies in the perception of exclamatory intonation; the second difficulty lies in the perception of interrogative intonation; the perception of declarative intonation causes the least difficulty.


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How to Cite

Cortés Moreno, M. (2001). Percepción y adquisición de la entonación española en enunciados de habla espontánea: el caso de los estudiantes taiwaneses. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 11, 89–119. Retrieved from


