La invariación acústica en las nasales del castellano. Estudio perceptivo




The goal of this paper was to asses the role of the nasal murmur and vowel transitions as perceptual cues in Spanish, having natural speech sequences as basis. The stimuli used for the perception test had different durations. This was done using a window-analysis method at the exact point of discontinuity between the nasal murmur and the transitions corresponding to the following vowel. We have also explored vowel perception across the different stimuli included in the test. Given the special features of [JI], we carried out a second experiment to try to determine whether the palatal nasal behaved as a single segment or as a complex segment. The results showed us that, except for [JI], both, the nasal murmur and vowel transitions working together within the syllable, provide us with more reliable invariant cues than in the cases when these two parameters work in isolation.



How to Cite

Sala, L., & Fernández Planas, A. M. (1995). La invariación acústica en las nasales del castellano. Estudio perceptivo. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 7, 163–178. Retrieved from


