The weight of diagnosis in Social Work. A critical look at labelling and stigma.


  • Juan Brea Iglesias Departamento de Trabajo Social. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Madrid. Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid
  • Andrés Arias Astray Departamento de Trabajo social y Servicios Sociales. Instituto de Tecnología del Conocimiento (ITC). Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • David Alonso Gonzalez Departamento de Trabajo social y Servicios Sociales. Instituto de Tecnología del Conocimiento (ITC). Universidad Complutense de Madrid



stigma, labelling, Social Work, ethic


The objective of this paper is to develop some relevant theoretical concepts that allow for reflection on the practice of Social Work and the power exerted through diagnostic categories and labeling. To achieve this, firstly, the theoretical framework related to the New Chicago School and symbolic interactionism will be presented, with emphasis on what later became known as labeling theory. Secondly, the concept of stigma is explored from a sociological perspective, referring to the interactional process attributed by Goffman (1963/2012a). Thirdly, ethical and epistemological issues in the use of diagnostic categories in the field of Social Work are discussed. Finally, a series of conclusions are presented as a starting point for thinking about Social Work from an ethical standpoint that shifts professional practices from labeling (of objects) to empowerment and emancipation (of individuals).


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How to Cite

Brea Iglesias, J., Arias Astray, A., & Alonso Gonzalez, D. (2025). The weight of diagnosis in Social Work. A critical look at labelling and stigma. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (5), 7–15.


