A systematic exploratory review on the effectiveness of school mediation in compulsory secondary education.





Social Work, school mediation, Compulsory Secondary Education, conflicts, effectiveness


This study focused on school mediation as a mechanism for peaceful conflict resolution. Mediation is carried out in educational settings due to its high potential for conflict management and resolution. Given that School Mediation constitutes one of the areas of intervention of Social Work, the aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of School Mediation as a conflict resolution strategy in Compulsory Secondary Education in the practice of Social Work. An Exploratory Systematic Review was carried out, which determined the inclusion of nine research articles. For this purpose, the Web of Science and Scopus databases were consulted. The results obtained made it possible to establish the effectiveness of school mediation, specifically in terms of improving school climate and interpersonal relationships. In conclusion, the importance of training in the skills necessary to guarantee the effectiveness of school mediation was highlighted, emphasising the need to possess certain personal values and techniques in order to be able to intervene in this area.


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How to Cite

Hoyos Urba, M., & Riera Adrover, J. A. (2025). A systematic exploratory review on the effectiveness of school mediation in compulsory secondary education. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (5), 34–41. https://doi.org/10.1344/its.i5.47426


