Theoretical review of the relationship between Working Memory, Field Dependence/Independence Cognitive Style and Teaching Styles with Academic Performance
academic achievement, working memory, field dependence-independence cognitive style, teaching stylesAbstract
The objective of this review article was to identify the relationship between working memory, field dependence/independence cognitive style and teaching style with academic performance. Working memory was found to be a significant predictor of academic performance, showing that those children who have deficiencies in this memory system tend to have difficulties specifically in reading and mathematics. In relation to the field dependence-independence cognitive style, it is shown that field independent children have a higher academic performance than field dependents; however, it is found that, depending on the area of knowledge, the correspondence between the cognitive style of the teacher and the child is a variable that facilitates academic achievement, which makes it difficult to establish a direct relationship between Field independence and academic performance, especially if one takes into account that some studies indicate that in children aged 6 and 7 years, the field-independent cognitive style is not evident, but the field-dependent one is. Regarding teaching styles, a direct relationship with academic performance is proposed. It can be concluded that the independent neuropsychological variables (student’s working memory), psychological (cognitive style field dependence-independence, both of the student and the teacher) and pedagogical (teacher’s teaching style) are factors that are related to the variable dependent academic performance. In accordance with the above, it is highlighted then that there are few investigations that address the different independent variables in relation to academic performance, especially in the population of 6 to 8 years of age, confirming the complexity to establish, from empirical evidence, the variables related to school learning, while various factors are incurred that not only affect the student, but also their context and the appropriate interactions with them.
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