¿Qué significa transferir el aprendizaje en educación infantil?





transfer of learning, child education, multidimensional


What is the point of teaching or learning if we are not looking for an impact on what we have learned? What would education be based on if what was learned did not have an effect on the individual? This paper seeks to answer the question of how we understand this impact in the context of the concept of learning transfer, especially in the context of early childhood education. In recent decades, a greater understanding of the learning acquired at these ages has been gained, and this makes it necessary to open a debate on how such learning should take place in order to effectively have the expected results. This work seeks to explore from an interpretive approach the notions associated with the transfer of learning by kindergarten teachers. This analysis facilitated the approach of a conceptual discussion from the multidimensional perspective proposed by Barnett and Stephen. This exercise is presented as the first step in continuing to investigate and develop a clear framework for answering questions about what transfer is, what are the best ways to promote and evidence it.


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2022-03-17 — Updated on 2022-04-11