Literacy and artificial intelligence
artifical intelligence, new literacies, teaching practiceAbstract
This article proposes to reflect on the evolution of artificial intelligence. It argues that the impact of generative artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, constitutes a new milestone in the history of reading and writing. If all technological revolutions produced subjective changes, humanity is invited to conceive what consequences the creation of ChatGPT is having and will have on the process of hominization. Concern about the effect of cognitive delegation to machines is a central theme of the paper. By allowing an AI to perform writing or text analysis tasks, we could be outsourcing critical thinking and reflection, processes that have traditionally contributed to the development of knowledge and deep understanding. However, ChatGPT could also be transformed into a tool capable of exercising thinking in a different and effective way. The text raises important questions about the future of literacy and learning, challenging educational institutions to rethink themselves in the face of this change. It is proposed not only to be attentive to cognitive delegation but also to enable new ways of thinking. For this reason, we promote the deployment of a user-chat interaction that allows not only to evaluate the scope and limits of the tool, but also the user’s reflection on the effectiveness of their prompts.
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