El impacto de la Neuroeducación en el abordaje de las Necesidades Educativas Especiales: reforzando la inclusión con paradigmas actuales





Neuroeducation, Special educational needs, Neuroscience, Neuromyths in education, Learning


Neuroeducation has gained special relevance in recent years. Based on this concept, which comes from Neuroscience, an attempt has been made to understand how human beings learn and what are the neurobiological foundations that support this process. The contributions of this area have been substantive, considering its interference in the field of Special Education, specifically in Special Educational Needs. This is how in this work an updated perspective on this conceptual relationship will be presented, starting with the origins of the concept of Special Educational Needs, the role of Neuroscience as the axis that directs the emergence of Neuroeducation and the role of the latter. as a guideline in the work that neurorehabilitation professionals carry out daily with the people with whom they work. Finally, a series of neuromyths will be revealed that are, in one way or another, linked to the work in Special Educational Needs and that contribute to considering realistic and updated perspectives with a view to strengthening the teaching and learning processes in people. that are in these conditions. In this way, it also seeks to generate a reflective and critical panorama regarding this relevant topic that, over time, has generated more and more impact on educational processes.


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