Impact of the Application of a Multi-level Intervention Model in Small Classroom Groups for Reading Improvement in Third-Grade Students



This study examines the feasibility and impact of adapting the Response to Intervention (RTI) multi-level intervention model to the Argentine classroom context, specifically targeting reading improvement among third-grade students. The traditional RTI model, typically featuring staggered interventions over time, was restructured to enable teachers to simultaneously plan and execute three-tiered instructional sequences within the same classroom environment. This adaptation aimed to address each student's unique learning trajectory by providing tailored scaffolding. The research was conducted with 164 third-grade students from two private schools in Santa Fe Province, Argentina. It employed a quasi-experimental design to assess the impact of the intervention on reading skills. Teachers were trained in evidence-based reading and writing practices, as well as in the adapted RTI model, which emphasized small group work within the classroom under the guidance of the same teacher. The intervention's effectiveness was evaluated through the "Screening del Nivel Lector" (SNL), a digital assessment tool, at three points: at the beginning of the intervention, after its application, and six months later without further intervention. Initial findings revealed that students in the intervention group, as compared to a control group, showed significant improvement in reading performance immediately following the intervention. This progress was sustained over time, with a decrease in the number of students at risk for reading difficulties. The study supports the effectiveness of explicit instruction and small group work in improving reading proficiency. Moreover, the adapted RTI model proves to be a promising approach for resource-limited educational settings where additional teaching support is scarce.

Author Biography

Rufina Pearson, Universidad Católica Argentina

Rufina Pearson

Doctora y Licenciada en Psicopedagogía (UCA).

Master en Educación Especial por la Universidad de British Columbia, Canada.

Investigadora Principal en la UCA CIPP en la línea Procesos de Aprendizaje Escolar. Temas: conciencia fonológica, lectura, matemática, bilingüismo. Dislexia y Discalculia.

Profesora de la Universidad Austral en Didáctica de la Lengua y Literatura. Profesora de Grado UCA en Evaluación Psicopedagógica, Fundamentos de Evaluación Psicopedagógica y Clínica de Niños. Profesora en diversos cursos de Postgrado en la UCA y otras instituciones.

Disertante en Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales. Especialista en Problemas de Aprendizaje. Diagnóstico y Tratamiento. Capacitadora de docentes y profesionales.

Directora del equipo JEL Aprendizaje. Autora de los programas JEL-JELK y coautora del programa JELMATK y del test JELMAT. Autora de los libros: ¨Dislexia, una forma diferente de leer¨ y “Una forma diferente de Aprender-Tratamiento Psicopedagógico” de editorial Paidós. Desarrolló un screening del nivel lector gratuito, con impacto a nivel nacional e internacional, que cuenta actualmente con más de 30000 datos.

