High School Students and Artificial Intelligence: A neuroeducational perspective on literacy and self-improvement, thinking and creativity





Artificial intelligence, students, literacy, self-improvement, thinking, creativity, education


The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in neuroeducation represents an enormous challenge for the development of digital skills and personalizing education from different angles. Despite the relatively recent global popularization of AI in the educational system, uncertainty prevails due to the lack of validated data available on how students integrate it into their daily academic life, which can limit the making of pertinent pedagogical adjustments; in addition, there is not enough comparative evidence of the management of this technology between the public and private sectors. To this end, the research aimed to: analyze the secondary education students, how they become literate in the use of AI and develop their cognitive and creative capacities with this technology, to consolidate personal and academic goals. The methodology adopted a quantitative, transversal and descriptive approach, supported by an ad hoc instrument applied to 576 secondary school students from public and private schools; Reliability tests were carried out using Cronbach's Alpha and non-parametric statistics through Pearson's Chi Square and Mann-Whitney U. The findings reveal that students about AI: recognize its importance and show interest in using it; not all have been taught to use it in their schools, some have learned to use it out of intrinsic motivation; they consider that it can help them consolidate achievements; they think that it can enhance their creativity, without diminishing their cognitive capacity; and they expressed that the excessive use of this technology can cause a strong dependence that leads to procrastination. It is concluded that educating students with AI can be crucial to incorporate them as digital citizens in a hyperconnected world; neuroeducationally, AI becomes a substantive element to optimize educational processes and promote cognitive and creative adaptation by personalizing learning, and more so by demonstrating that there is motivation among students to use it; the development of digital skills must be encouraged within an ethical and responsible framework; and teachers must assertively incorporate this technology into the classroom to promote meaningful and lasting learning.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Alberto Reza Flores, Centro de Actualización del Magisterio en la Ciudad de México

Doctor en Educación. Docente e investigador de tiempo completo en el CAMCM con énfasis en ciencia, tecnología, sociedad

Citlali Michélle Reza Flores, Centro de Actualización del Magisterio en la Ciudad de México

Doctora en Educación

Alejandra Zamudio Palomar, Centro de Actualización del Magisterio en la Ciudad de México

Doctora en Educación


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2025-02-13 — Updated on 2025-02-17