Knowledge of neuroscience boosts motivation and awareness of learning strategies in science vocational education students



Paraules clau:

self-concept, neuroscience, learning strategies, metacognition, neuroeducation, student motivation, nature of learning, vocational education training


Interest in how neuroscience can support education has grown over the last few years. Based on the concept that neuroscience can help to tailor education, we carried out a workshop-based intervention for young adult students, with the goal of impacting their self-concept as learners. We surmised that educating participants about brain structure and function, and about the nature of learning, may change how students perceive themselves and elicit a positive mindset for learning situations. The aim of this research was to transform students’ self-concept, enhance their motivation, and provide them with useful tools for their education and long-life challenges as learners. For this, the MSLQ instrument and qualitative students’ assesment was used to collect data before, immediately after and 10 months after the intervention. Our results show that a program about neuroeducation and  learning strategies, directly impacted student motivation. Also, students reported long-term use of such tools. We conclude that similar interventions may be useful in different learning contexts to help students become aware of self-motivation and the strategies they use, and thereby more effective learners.


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