Neurodidactic intervention on executive functions in adolescents

Neurodidáctica y Funciones Ejecutivas



Neurodidactics; Executive functions; Pedagogical practices, Adolescents.


This work presents a progress report on a longitudinal study initiated during the 2021 academic year and is currently ongoing. The study is framed from the ecological approach of neurodidactics, and its objective is to investigate the potential effects of pedagogical practices designed to enhance executive functions in adolescents. Thirty-eight high school students were recruited for the study and were divided into Experimental and Control groups. Both groups underwent pre- and post-intervention evaluations using parametric tests. The Experimental group participated in a 12-month neurodidactic intervention, which involved incorporating specific activities into their academic curriculum to promote executive functions. Our analysis showed significant changes in both groups, with the Experimental group exhibiting greater gains (changes in 13 variables) than the Control group (changes in 9 variables). The Experimental group demonstrated significant improvement in planning, working memory, cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, and attention. This ongoing research suggests that designing effective pedagogical interventions requires collaborative efforts among teachers who can actively promote the neurocognitive development of their students.

Author Biography

Álvaro Federico Muchiut, Instituto Superior de Neuropsicología. Fundación Centro de Estudios Cognitivos.

Rector Instituto Terciario

Presidente FCEC



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2024-02-06 — Updated on 2024-02-14