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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I confirm that it is an original manuscript and has not been published before or has been submitted simultaneously in another journal.
  • I confirm that any material which I do not own copyright has been clearly aknowledged in the text.
  • The paper follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines section which is to be found in «About the journal».
  • Authors have uploaded the ORCID profile in the online platform when submitting the paper.
  • Authors have uploaded the bibliographic references in the form when submitting the paper in the online platform.

Author Guidelines

Policy for the acceptance of manuscripts to be published

  • The journal only accepts original manuscripts which have not been published before in other scientific journals and in line with THJ's aims and scope.
  • THJ’s scientific production and publishing team are not responsible for any of the opinions expressed by the authors.
  • THJ is a publication primarily directed to the academia (professors, students and researchers).
  • Articles presented for their publication can be written in English, Catalan or Spanish.  In case of papers in Catalan or Spanish, the abstract should always be presented in English and the language of the paper.
  • Texts must be written in electronic format compatible with Microsoft Word text processors.
  • Figures should be in JPG or TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. 
  • When uploading the manuscript to the online platform, the list of bibliographic references must be included in the form. 



The submission of articles needs two different documents. From one hand, one page from title and, on the other hand band, the manuscript from the article anonymized. 



The page from title has from contain: 

  • Title from the article 
  • Name(s) of the author(s). At the time to identify the authors from the article also it will be necessary to detail their contribution following the criteria from the taxonomy CRedIt, as it is details below in the​ section Politics of authorship. 
  • Affiliations 
  • Acknowledgements 
  • Declaration from conflicts of interest 
  • Address and email electronic from the author from correspondence. 
  • Yes the author has ORCID will be required include it in the form high for authors. 


It is necessary to follow the format from the article at the paper template. 

On the first sheet should appear

  • Title of the article
  • Abstract (200 words) both in English and paper's language (when necessary).
  • Keywords  (between 4 and 6); if possible, applying concepts included in the trilingual thesaurus of UNESCO. (Keywords should also be written in English and paper's language when necessary)

Main text

  • The article should not exceed 8000 words.
  • The article should preferably follow the structure: Introduction / Objectives / Methodology / Results' Discussion / Conclusion / References. Nevertheless, articles with other structures, such as essays, or bibliographic reviews, could be also assessed to be published.
  • The sections of the paper should be listed as follows: 
1.1 Second heading level
1.1.1 Third heading level
  • Tables, graphs and images are considered figures and should be included on the same page of the text where they are quoted. In the text we will refer to them as Figure 1, Figure 2... Each figure will have at the bottom, its number and title, and the source of data. If they were produced by the author "Own elaboration", “Prepared by the author” or similar will be recorded as a source.
  • Footnotes will be used when strictly necessary.
  • References should be cited in the text following APA (American Psychological Association) instructions; each consulted author and date within brackets: (Mangion, 1999) or (Cohen, 1972, 1979, 1988; Urry, 1990) or (Richards y Wilson, 2006) or (Boswijk et al., 2005). A page number should be mentioned in case of a direct quotation: (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2003, p.16).
  • A reference list, in alphabetical order by author, should be included according to the following examples:
Books: Acosta, L. E. (1995). Guía práctica  para la investigación y redacción de informes (8th ed.). Paidos.

Book Chapter: Young, F. W. (1972). A model of polynomial conjoint analysis algorithms. In R.N. Shepard, A.K. Ronney and S. Nerlove (ed.), Multidimensional scaling: Theory and applications in the behavioral sciences (pp.78-80). Academic Press.

Papers: León, O. (1984). El uso del término “significativo” en los informes experimentales. Revista de Psicologia General y Aplicada, 39(2), 455-469.



This magazine consider that an author of a​ work published it is one person that has contributed intellectually from way significant to the same. Following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), for to appear as an author have been from fulfill the requirements following: 

  • Have participated in the conception and the design, or in the acquisition from the data, or in analysis and interpretation from the data of the work that has given as a result the article.
  • Have participated in the writing or in the review criticism of the text.
  • Have approved the version that finally will be published. 

Those that no fulfill these three criteria only they will be able to be recognized in the thanks. For avoid the risk of authorship fictitious or usurped, it is recommends that, in the moment to send the document, all the authors it is pose okay in the their contributions and in the order in what will appear in the list from co-authors. 

For specify the contribution or contribution from each author at​ work it is recommends use the criteria established for the taxonomy CRediT (Contributor) Roles Taxonomy): 

  • Conceptualization: Ideas; formulation or evolution of the objectives and goals general from the research​.
  • Healing from data: Activities from management for to write down (to produce) metadata), debug data and maintain the data from the research (including the code from software, when be necessary for interpret the own data) for to the headquarters use initial and their posterior reuse. 
  • Analysis formal: Application from techniques statistics, mathematics, computational or other techniques formal for analyze or synthesize data of study. 
  • Obtaining from financing: Obtaining of the support financial for to the project that leads to this publication. 
  • Research: Realization of one research and process from research, carrying out specifically the experiments, or the collection from data / evidence. 
  • Methodology: Development or design from the methodology; creation from models. 
  • Management of the project: Responsibility from management and coordination from the planning and execution from the activity from research​.
  • Resources: Supply from materials study, reagents, materials, patients, samples from laboratory, animals, instrumentation, resources computer or other tools of analysis. 
  • Software: Programming, development from software; design from programs IT; implementation of the code computer science and algorithms from support; proof of the components from code existing. 
  • Supervision: Responsibility from supervision and leadership in the planning and execution of activities from research, including the tutoring external to the team central​.
  • Validation: Verification, yes be as a part from the activity or for separate, from the replicability / reproduction general of the results / experiments and others products from the research​. 
  • Visualization: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the work published, specifically the visualization / presentation from data. 
  • Writing – draft original: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the work published, specifically the writing from the draft initial (including the translation noun). 
  • Writing – reviewing and editing: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the work published for members of the group from research original, specifically review criticism, comment or review – including the stages prior to or after the publication. 

The contribution from each from the authors it is will do to be recorded to the end from the article in one note called 'Declaration from contribution of authorship'. For determine the order in the signature from the article, the authors​​ they can use any from the three practices more usual: 

  • 'First-last-author-emphasis' approach (FLAE): the first signature and the last they are same important. Among they, it consider that the order from signature indicates contributions decreasing. 
  • Sequence-determines-credit (SDC) approach: the order indicates the importance. 
  • Equal Rule​ contribution (EC): is used the sequence alphabetical for recognize contributions similar or for avoid disputes in the groups from collaboration. 

In absence from the 'Declaration from contribution of authorship', the magazine will apply the Equal rule​ contribution' (EC). 

Opinions and facts​ consigned in each article they are exclusive responsibility of the headquarters authors, as well​ how from suitability ethics from the article. In addition, they have from to do explicit that the text it is from their authorship and that in the same it is they respect the rights from property intellectual from third parties. Also it is responsibility his/her to make sure from to have the authorizations for use, reproduce and print the material that no be from the his/her ownership / authorship (pictures, graphs, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.). The authors and authors, in send one article, accept that it is original and that no has state sent for their consideration, nor has state published in none other magazine. 

For delete the confusion from names and guarantee the attribution suitable from publications and quotes correctly, this magazine requires the ID from ORCID for all​ the authorship. Still that no can guarantee for yes sun one identity safe, adoption from the ORCID it is one control more against the fraud of identity from the authorship. 


Changes in the authorship 

Any incorporation, deletion or rearrangement of the names has been from to do before that the manuscript have state accepted and only with approval from the editor of the magazine. 

For request this one change, the author or author will send to the editor: 

The reason that justifies the request from modification of the listing of authors. 

The confirmation written from all them / them authors​​ protester the headquarters agreement with the incorporation, deletion or rearrangement. In the case from the addition or deletion of an author, has been to include also the confirmation from the authorship affected. 

In one manuscript already accepted, no it is will have in consideration the incorporation, deletion or rearrangement of authors. Yes​ the manuscript has state published in version in line, neither it is will consider requests from corrections. 



  • It is your own original work.
  • Any material, of which you do not own a copyright, has been clearly acknowledged in the text.
  • The submitted article does not contain any material which is libelous, illegal or infringes anyone’s copyright or other rights.


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