Recovery from genocide through tourism: Srebrenica City of Hope Project


  • Chiara Nencioni Pisa university



Genocide, Memory, Solidarity, Srebrenica, Tourism


This manuscript is about how to recover from genocide through tourism. The focus is on Srebrenica, where genocide was committed by Serbs-Bosnian troops in July 1995. Tourism is a form of dealing with the genocide That is what Srebrenica City of Hope project does, fostering remembrance into the future, developing sustainable tourism, and strengthening the region economically. Focus is on community development, as well as natural and cultural heritage protection. In order to host visitors, 12 wooden houses were rebuilt according to traditional architecture. Tourists have the opportunity to stay overnight with host families, take part in guided excursions, enter in touch with the traditional soul of Bosnia, all of this while a new source of income opens up for the locals. The core of the project is the Srebrenica Memorial Centre and Cemetery in Potočari, whose aim is to preserve the memory of the genocide and fight against denial on the path of transitional justice and peace-building. Srebrenica City of Hope promotes tolerance, dialogue, and collective healing and moves forward by creating a network of people working together to cope with distressing memories. To this day, more than 2,600 persons joined the project, collecting visitors from five European countries.


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How to Cite

Nencioni, C. (2024). Recovery from genocide through tourism: Srebrenica City of Hope Project. Tourism and Heritage Journal, 6, 1–21.


