New methods for tourist-patrimonial mediation


  • Sandra Rodà Vey Universitat de Lleida



Heritage, Information, Interpretation, Mediation


What are you looking for when visiting new places? to discover?, to look around?, to knew? Actually what we want is information about that place, its culture, its history but, as we are in our free time when travelling, we need a kind and understandable information. We seek for treated and digested information, ready be taken barely noticing. In this way, the objective of these pages is to identify those good practices that all mediation resources should consider when planning the museography of a heritage infrastructure. Human mediation, museography and new technologies are the entrance door to the world of heritage interpretation. And all of them make possible to reach to any type of visitor. So that it is just a matter of few minutes to discover the better techniques to satisfy the necessities of our most exigent audience.

Author Biography

Sandra Rodà Vey, Universitat de Lleida

Graduada en Ciencias Empresariales –Management por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona con un maestría en Innovación en la Gestión Turística por CETT-UB. Actualmente estudiante de doctorado en la Universitat de Lleida y Técnica de turismo en el Consell Comarcal del Vallès Oriental.


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How to Cite

Rodà Vey, S. (2019). New methods for tourist-patrimonial mediation. Tourism and Heritage Journal, 1, 63–89.


