Intangible heritage through mediation proposals in tourist cities: the case of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi in Barcelona.
Barcelona, intangible heritage, mediation, put in value, tourist itinerary.Abstract
In many occasions, intangible cultural heritage can be illegible for those who would like to enjoy it due to its immateriality. That is why this article aims to take down these barriers through three mediation proposals for a touristic-cultural route in the district of Sarrià - Sant Gervasi (Barcelona). Moreover, another goal is to decentralize the touristic activity of the city, increasing the cultural offer in off-the-beaten track areas. Specifically, this itinerary aims to explain the history of the district through its most relevant individuals, emphasizing their heritage elements, facts, curiosities and anecdotes of the neighbourhood. The three mediation proposals are: a theatralised visit where the participants are the actors, a visit guided by QR codes that raise questions to the users and a nocturnal terror visit that finalizes with an escape room. Finally, some future researches are suggested linked to the tourists cities and the specific proposal.References
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