Language in motion: A framework for unifying spoken language, signed language, and gesture
DOI: clau:
llengua de signes, llengua oral, gest, gramàtica cognitiva, sistemes dinàmics, neurociènciaResum
In this article I describe a framework for unifying spoken language, signed language, and gesture. Called the language as motion framework, it relies on three broad theories: cognitive grammar, dynamic systems, and cognitive neuroscience. The foundational claim of the language in motion framework is that language and gesture are manifestations of a general human expressive ability which is grounded in embodied cognition and the need for mobile creatures to make sense of their environment.
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Com citar
Wilcox, S. (2023). Language in motion: A framework for unifying spoken language, signed language, and gesture. Anuari De Filologia. Estudis De Lingüística, 2, 49–57.
Monogràfic. Les llengües de signes, coordinado por M.Josep Jarque
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