"O Brave New World": A Change in the Weather.
Paraules clau:
Public Art, EcoArt.Resum
The concept of "Waterfronts" becomes a powerful poetic metaphor. A point of departure and arrival in understanding arts practises. The ebb and flow between definitions of Nature and Culture. The littoral from which evolutionary transition is made. Referencing The Tempest by William Shakespeare (1564 -1616) some paintings by Turner and the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519), this presentation considers how Public Art in the context of urban and social development may start to engage the issue of Climate Change. It will also explore our relationship with water from different perspectives, as a learning process.Publicades
Com citar
Haley, David. 2000. “: A Change in the Weather”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration, no. 2 (February):27-36. https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/waterfront/article/view/18742.
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