Studies and research on books for children and adolescents in Catalonia (2018-2019)




Studies, Research, Literature for Children’s and young adults


Studies of books for children and adolescents are undergoing a generational transition, in terms both of the specialists and of the authors and professionals who have shaped the landscape of this area of literature in Catalan in the democratic era. Awards, interviews, exhibitions and articles have all focused on the preservation of memory, though perhaps not as urgently as was necessary. University studies maintain for the most part the courses on offer, theses and publications, but the number of teams, projects and specific research into books for children and adolescents continues to fall. However, the dissemination and promotion on the web and through the activities of professional sectors is more active. The topics covered show a continuity with the past two years: attention to the recent history of books for children and adolescents; the gender perspective in the works; the interrelation of codes: albums, but also the material aspects of the books, their illustrations, and digital publications; as well as literary promotion and education.


