Performance Indicators for the Evolution of Areas of Innovation: Porto Digital Case




Porto Digital, Areas of Innovation, Evolution, Indicators, Triple Helix, Knowledge Based Urban Districts


Areas of Innovation (AOIs) need urban, economic, social and governance development. Building upon the theories of Triple Helix, Knowledge-Based Urban Development, Clusters of Innovation, and the evolution phases of AOIs, this study presents in a novel way, key performance indicators (KPI) that can be used to track and monitor the progress of an innovation district in distinct phases of development towards the achievement of its goals. Using the Porto Digital Case in Recife, the most awarded project in Brazil underway for 20 years at a Triple Helix hybrid organization Núcleo Gestor do Porto Digital (NGPD), performance indicators are analysed and classified. This yields further understanding of which stage of development they have become operative (from inception to maturity), which dimensions affected (namely, urban, economic, social and governance), and who (Triple Helix agents) has been involved with the major action power over it.


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How to Cite

Rapetti, Carina, Josep Miquel Pique, Aline Figlioli, and Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent. 2022. “Performance Indicators for the Evolution of Areas of Innovation: Porto Digital Case”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 7 (2):219-67.