French Merchants in Buenos Aires (1816-1825): Economic Opportunities and Difficulties during the Wars of Independence


  • Laurine Manac'h University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne - EHEHI Casa de Velázquez UMR 8168 Mondes Américains -CRALMI/CERMA



French Merchants, Buenos Aires, Wars, trade, credit, foreigners, Antoine François Leloir, François Touchard


Unlike other foreigners, the French merchants who migrated to Hispanic America in the 19th century have received little attention, partly because they are supposed to have been few. With the emancipation of the River Plate, the Declaration of Independence in 1816 and the end of the Spanish commercial monopoly – and despite many difficulties due to revolutionary turmoil – some French merchants saw the legal opening of the rioplatense market as an opportunity and became more present in Buenos Aires, although less than their British counterparts.

Building upon the Buenos Aires commercial court’s records and data from censuses, this paper sheds light on the French commercial presence in Buenos Aires during the Independence and civil wars, which hampered the circulation of credit instruments, the fluidity of credit relations, and business activities. It shows the importance of merchants’ private initiatives in consolidating the French presence, and how they coped with wartime consequences. Whereas those who were poorly integrated into local society were vulnerable in these times of crisis, others benefited from close relations within the local society and acquired economic and social prominence. Such integration may have contributed to making them key interlocutors for French authorities as they manifested an increased interest in the River Plate in the context of the post-1815 imperial reconfigurations, when international and European rivalries continued in Hispanic America, particularly between France and Britain.


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Author Biography

Laurine Manac'h, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne - EHEHI Casa de Velázquez UMR 8168 Mondes Américains -CRALMI/CERMA

Ph D. Candidate in history at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

Scientific member at the EHEHI Casa de Velázquez (2019-2021).

Profesor "Agrégée" in history. 


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How to Cite

Manac’h, Laurine. 2023. 《French Merchants in Buenos Aires (1816-1825): Economic Opportunities and Difficulties During the Wars of Independence》. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 8 (1):119-51.