Ruta N - fostering the innovation ecosystem of Medellín




Ruta N, Medellín, Innovation ecosystem


The aim of this paper is to identify which factors have contributed to the success of Ruta N. Ruta N fostered the innovation ecosystem of Medellín, but until now it remains open how it happened from the inside perspective, which actors were involved in the process and which practices were made. Secondary data collection, interviews with directors directly involved and technical visits were made, and some important points emerged from the field that can shed light in order to apply those practices and configurations intentionally in other cities with similar contexts.



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Author Biographies

Leonardo Gonçalves, Unisinos University

PhD candidate at Unisinos University. Master in Finance at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Bachelor in Business Management at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Clarissa Stefani Teixeira, Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC

Professor at the Department of Knowledge Engineering (EGC) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the postgraduate programs in Engineering and Knowledge Management and Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. He is the leader of the VIA Estação Conhecimento group with a focus on innovation habitats. It works on the themes of urban typologies, smart and sustainable cities, creative and innovation districts. It has practice and projects on the themes of science and technology parks and innovation centers. The group has a methodology for implementing, operating and monitoring innovation environments and methodologies for living labs, maker environment, pre-incubation, incubation and innovation centers. The VIA group holds methodologies for mapping, activating and orchestrating innovation ecosystems. He coordinates Innovation Programs such as Agroinonovação SC and has international training and is applicable to innovation environments in countries such as Spain, Colombia, Mexico, China, Argentina and Uruguay.

Josep Miquel Pique, Innova Institute. La Salle – Ramon Llull University

President of Technova Barcelona – La Salle Innovation Park / Manager of Internationalization and Innovation – La Salle URL

PhD in Innovation Ecosystems from La Salle URL, Telecommunication Engineer from La Salle and UPC and MBA from ESADE. He holds also diplomas from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of California-Berkeley and Universitat Ramon Llull. He is President of La Salle Technova Barcelona – La Salle Innovation Park, Founding President of XPCAT (Catalan Network of Science Parks), Vice-President of APTE (Spanish Network of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation) and Past President of IASP (International Association of Science Parks). The central line of his activity is the promotion of Knowledge-based Economy and Society in order to consolidate Knowledge Cities on Smart Cities.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, Leonardo, Clarissa Stefani Teixeira, 和 Josep Miquel Pique. 2022. 《Ruta N - Fostering the Innovation Ecosystem of Medellín》. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 7 (2):133-59.