Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: empirical evidence from Higher Educational Institutions




Organizational Justice, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Higher Educational Institutions


Organizational justice appears to be a key component that leads to attaining organizational goals and, as a result, increases organizational performance. Employees who feel fairness in today’s highly competitive workplace are more inclined to contribute more to their organization. Employees who feel their organization performs fairly are more likely to display citizenship behavior. The current study sought to ascertain the level of faculty members’ justice perception and extra-role behavior in higher education institutions. To investigate the impact of organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior among faculty members of higher educational institutions, various research questions are developed: first, how much influence does faculty members’ Organizational Justice (OJ) have on their Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) towards the institution? Second are there any important connections between the OJ and OCB constructs? Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in the study. Cronbach’s alpha, descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis were applied in the study. According to the findings, OJ has a significant influence on the dimensions of OCB. It represents that the employees should exhibit selflessness and always thinks for the welfare of others, act in positive ways, never complain, and participate in the organization's political process.


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How to Cite

Das, Laxmipriya, 和 Sasmita Mohanty. 2023. 《Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Higher Educational Institutions》. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 8 (2):32-49.

