Sugary drinks taxation as a measure to reduce obesity in Spain. Effectiveness analysis and evaluation of its application in other countries


  • Maria del Carmen Aroca Gamero Universidad de Barcelona



obesity, drink, sugar, tax, country


Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, and according to experts, if this trend in not reversed in the coming years, non-transmissible diseases could be the cause of 73% of the deaths. In addition, the World Health Organization decided to launch a recommendation, in which point out that the policies promoting a 20% increase in the sale price to the final consumer of sugary drinks could reduce its consumption in a proportional way. In order to know about the tax, its application in Spain and Catalonia has been analysed, as well as in Mexico, France, United Kingdom and Denmark.



How to Cite

Aroca Gamero, M. del C. (2018). Sugary drinks taxation as a measure to reduce obesity in Spain. Effectiveness analysis and evaluation of its application in other countries. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (42), 269–310.