Weight bias and weight stigma in the healthcare system: hypothetical case
obesity, excess weight, low self-esteem, weight bias, weight stigma, principles of biomedical ethics, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justiceAbstract
Obesity is considered as one of the most concerning nutritional diseases. Scientific evidence demonstrates that weight is determined by a complex interaction of internal and external factors, many of which are not controllable by individuals. In this article, causes, consequences of obesity and how low self-esteem in patients with excess weight could affect loss weight, as well as weight bias, and weight stigma in the healthcare system are discussed. Beauchamp and Childress’ principles of biomedical ethics are used through a clinical case to consider ethical dilemmas treating obese patients. It is imperative for physicians to consider the complex etiology of obesity when treating obese patients because false assumptions about obesity personal causes can promote weight bias.
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