Multispecies Biopolitics: Docile and killable Animals

animais dóceis e matáveis


  • Higor Esturião PUCPR
  • Marta Luciane Fischer PUCPR



Based on concepts proposed by Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, such as biopolitics, discipline, sovereignty and naked life, we held a discussion on contemporary on existing conflicts of interest in human-animal relations, and bet on biopolitics as one of its keys for reading. The hypothesis is that biopolitical references can enrich the discussion about human-animal relations, animal ethics and bioethics. From an exploratory bibliographic review, we raised several works that point out that, on the one hand, biopolitics is not a government exclusive of human life, and extends, rather, to a whole series of living beings: from laboratory mice to dairy cows; on the other hand, if animals are immersed in the paradigm of life enhancement, of biopolitics, their bodies and lives are also exposed to sovereign power. Therefore, human-animal relations are constitued by production, administration and discipline, but also naked lifes, sovereignty and deaths without murder. Animals float, at least in some relationships, between docile land killable lives.

Author Biographies

Higor Esturião, PUCPR

Biomédico pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2016).

Mestre em Bioética pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (2020).

Marta Luciane Fischer, PUCPR

Bióloga, arteeducadora, mestre e doutora em zoologia, docente dos cursos de Ciëncias biológicas e Programa de pós-graduação em Bioética da PUCPR



How to Cite

Esturião, H., & Fischer, M. L. F. (2022). Multispecies Biopolitics: Docile and killable Animals: animais dóceis e matáveis. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (55).



Animal Bioethics